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Support Anti-racism With Your Home Buying Or Homeowner Dollars

The country was rocked by the murder of George Floyd on May 26, and protests have been erupting all over the world ever since. In the aftermath of Floyd’s death, many companies have spoken out to decry racism and commit their dollars—and their activism—to equality. 
      In that vein, we’re posting a list of companies who have been outspoken in their support of racial equality. For the purpose of this article, we’re focusing on those that are in some way related to buying or selling a home, renovating, decorating, and even celebrating a purchase or home-related milestone. But you can track corporate donations and see a growing list of companies across nearly every type of industry who have taken a stand here.
      This is not meant to be a comprehensive list, and we invite you to add anyone we missed in the comments.
Look to your lender Choosing between financial institutions for a purchase or refi? “Bank of America pledged $1 billion over four years to help communities across the country address economic and racial inequality and said the commitment
